Celebration of the Life and Work of Larry Eigner
I can't believe I have to miss this (will be out-of-town). I am despairing. Here is their post about it, from SF state's Poetry Center page. If you are interested in joining a Write To Connect workshop, do think about going. We will be talking a lot about Eigner in WTC. The venue is very accessible by bus and their is a ramp on the left hand side of the building, though the door is not automatic. Celebration of the Life and Work of Larry Eigner September 11 · 7:30pm - 8:30pm Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church & Center 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary) San Francisco, CA with Richard Eigner, Robert Grenier, Norma Cole, Steve Dickison, Stephen Farmer, Jack & Adelle Foley, Kathleen Frumkin, Tinker Greene, Lyn Hejinian, Duncan McNaughton, Laura Moriarty, Stephen Ratcliffe, Kit Robinson Join us for a celebration of the life and work of extraordinary American poet Larry Eigner (1927-1996), to mark the occasion of the publication of THE COLLECTED POEMS OF LARRY EIGNER,...