Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit

My friend and colleague, EveLynn Maurine, Awakening Body , an erotic educator and minster out of Orlando, will be presenting at The 6th annual Summit of the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance . I am not able to attend this year, so she invited me to write a brief history of my work and an update on the Body Poetik's services in Florida. She'll include this is her intensive workshop at the summit. I am so grateful! If you haven't heard of Woodhull, check it out Here is how they describe the yearly event: "We are at a critical time as the pendulum of social change swings far to the right. We are going to have to work hard to keep the rights we already have while working to claim those rights not yet recognized. Our goal at the Summit is to send attendees back to their daily lives with the tools and the inspiration to create the change we want to see in our world. The Sexual Freedom Summit features human rights activists, sexuality educators an...