the bodpoe interviewed on USF Tampa Bulls radio--The F Word

My Tampa radio interview happened tonight! The Tampa Bay Area wasn't the same without these ladies when I was growing up. Do I make myself sound dated? I don't care. They are f****g rocking it on college radio! Title of the show is The F Word, as in Feminism, folks. They gave me the best gift of an amaze-balls interview to introduce the body poetik services/consults to the Tampa Bay Area community. I had almost an hour to speak about intimacy coaching and the art of sensual awareness, what I can offer clients and how my practice works. These ladies' interviewing chops were awesome; full of grace, fun, and excellent timing--especially considering we were talking about sex, disability, feminism and childhood--not easy subjects to tease out! Listen here: Amber explains intimacy coaching and what the body poetik offers. You can download the interview from this link or listen to it from the USF The F Word radio archives. My interview appears at the top of the page and sta...