the body poetik at the Writing, Thinking, Being conference
In October, TBP goes on the road, to Naropa University, a Buddhist college in Boulder. It is home to my mentor--writer, professor, and Aryuvedic healer--Bhanu Kapil. It is also home to a healthier aspect of Jack Kerouac's spirit. And , I will be met there by my friends and fellow performance artists/bodyworkers from the San Francisco Bay Area. Here is a description of our panel in the conference: Writing and Performing [Dis]embodied States of Being: The Poetics of Disability, Movement, Grief, and Sensuality Shelia Black, Amber DiPietra, Margit Galanter, Lisa Gill, Violet Juno, and Denise Leto. As five interdisciplinary artists, we propose a collaborative panel presentation which will involve poetry, multimedia, and cross-genre performance exploring the poetics of embodiment/disembodiment: how different and differently abled bodies move in space and time both on and off the page in relation to movement, language, loss, and sensuality. Through somatic pr...