
Showing posts from June, 2011

Monday W2C Workshop at the Community Living Campaign

Thanks to Marie Jobling and the Community Living Campaign for inviting me to teach a Write To Connect workshop at the Valencia Gardens Computer Center.  One of CLC's projects focuses on helping seniors build community  by teaching them social media skills.  them social networking skills. One class attendee told me, "Facebook is boring! I want to have real conversations, not just hear someone say 'I baked a cake!' Woo-hoo." So--I took two seemingly boring,  even unsavory hobbies, and made them the center of my class. Pigeons and snails. That's right. We read from hybrid memoirs about a pigoen fancier whose wife dies of cancer and a woman dealing with chronic illness while observing the life of a snail in a pot of violets beside her bed. I used these hybrid memoirs  to give t...

Fund to Start Grassroots Disability Community Projects

The Herb Levine Legacy Fund It is with great pleasure that the Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco (ILRCSF) announces the establishment of an annual fund designed to foster grassroots disability rights activism in California. Our esteemed Executive Director, Herb Levine, is retiring after more than 30 years of visionary leadership in the Independent Living Movement and we want to honor his legacy of service by making a sustained commitment to fostering grassroots projects that and are in line with our mission of working to ensure that people with disabilities are full social and economic partners, both within their families and in a fully accessible community. Guidelines for applicants Projects must be California-based Applicants must submit a 1-2 page letter describing their proposed project, a short statement about their involvement in the IL Movement, and a detailed budget of up to $1,500. Individuals with connections to Independent living Center...

Write To Connect and the Community Living Campaign, Monday June 27 at 360 Valencia

Write To Connect is pleased to be offering a one-day workshop for the Community Living Campaign . More about CLC Over the past thirty-five years, a small but dedicated cadre of community leaders have laid a solid foundation, but their efforts have not kept pace with the growing challenges for a City that has the highest proportion of seniors and adults with disabilities of any urban area in California . Far too many individuals end up in nursing homes or other institutions because community-based alternatives don’t exist. Increasingly San Francisco is viewed as a generous, but not very progressive, city as thousands of its residents are unnecessarily institutionalized both in and out of county. In many ways, this campaign is really about giving seniors and adults with disabilities the right to decide where and how they will live their lives as they age and assuring that those institutions are more integrated and less isolated from their local community. More than that, it is ab...

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