
Showing posts from November, 2013

Wine and Redefine with W2C in January 2014

There's a lot of buzz about the nightlife in downtown St. Petersburg. There are funky dives, upscale gastro pubs, hipster hang-outs, punk bars, drag show venues, dance clubs, galleries, and day -time street festivals. But maybe you don't have a lot of going-out type friends or you just haven't figured out how you want to be part of the pulse of this creative, urban area. Perhaps you've heard of places like Painting with a Twist --studio lounges where you can be social over cocktails and have fun painting on canvases like a kid or would-be master. This kind of socializing-meets-art-project really tends to open things up for people. Well, Write To Connect's answer to that is Wine and Refine. Wine and Redefine is a fun night out, sipping vino and experimenting with words. Our starting point will be keeping journals--if only as a springboard for conversation about our creative impulses and as a way to share our lives, stories, funny daily thoughts, and more. Who kn...

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