
Showing posts from November, 2012

Gratitude in review and new projects for W2C

Wow, it has been a  terribly  long time since I have updated W2c's blog! Well, as I might say during a W2C workshop--don't let long silences or periods of being stuck stop you from letting your mind and body stretch out on to the page. So, here we are. I hope all those who have been part of W2C workshops are  feeling  thankful for something in this season--and whether you are writing or not, I hope you are finding poetry in your mind and your  movements  through the world. I've been busy going through some life changes, beginnings and endings, and thus, being slow and soft with myself in writing. Taking the time to find new habits and to explore how those habits let me in to new ways of being on the page. I am grateful for the chance to have read and dialogued about my poetry with disability community collaborator Denise Leto at the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled during San Francisco's Litquake festival this year. I am also very gra...

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