Does one’s capacity for intimacy make one a better writer? How do the literary arts help us to become more intimate with self and other, to bridge body and mind? Read More...Intimacy can take many forms: sensual, sexual, familial, platonic; it can be between lovers, friends, spouses, parents and children, business partners, artistic collaborators. How do we give words to forms of intimacy when these experiences run so close to the heart and bone?Maybe most importantly, intimacy exists between yourself and your own body, your awareness of the way you inhabit space. How does that awareness, or lack of awareness, play into your creativity? In this workshop, we will explore these questions through writing experiments and body work (guided meditation, sensory awareness exercises, breathing techniques). We will read poems and excerpts from Audre Lorde, Anne Carson, Anais Nin, Italo Calvino and others. We will also watch some clips of performance artists like Marina Abramovic. Please not...