
Showing posts from January, 2014

Write To Connect at St. Pete Zinefest

I was so excited to find out that there was a St. Pete Zinefest !  Zines are tangible, low-key, simple but intricate, D.I.Y, portable pieces of written or drawn art. To me, zines are a perfect bridge between the body and writing. Here I am, all packed up to have a table at last Saturday's zinefest. I was going to use my massage table and offer poetic bodywork sessions, but the rain ruled that part out. (Though it did get me to thinking about having a booth at the Saturday Market with some such an offering.) Yes--that is a glitter-enhanced shot glass, yes--that is my new "doctor" bag with my very old owl amulet (shout-out to Candice, giver of enduring gifts), yes--that is the $5 zodiac Samsonite suitcase/stage from a thrift store in Berkeley that I made my mom and Arti Glove lug across the country.  The night begins. Here's my table,  with a range of offerings from my ongoing trifold projects and some older publications. The Black Panthers advanced

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