Moving through lists, pink and flaring fragments breathe

A list can be the things ome can or cannot accomplish in a day. A list of question to ask the doctor, to resolve while on the phone with the pharmacy or the health insurance company. A list can be a gentle reminder of things to notice about the weather--so as to poise yourself right on the cusp of spring. A poem can be a list. A list can be a set on instructions to write a poem.

For example, this list By Bhanu Kapil:

13. Invent a form that allows fragments to have their own life.  To recombine.  Or perhaps to simply die off, emitting  pink, luminous flares just beyond the range of a society’s vision.

Today, Nancy and I sat down to start planning for our Poetry in Motion class--set for 4/21, the Spring Equinox.  We are inventing a form that allows for all types of bodies to find their breath, through lines of poems and yoga, in a room. Come, be pink luminous flares with us! Bring your fragmentary bodies, your fragmentary concentration, and we will work on setting them afloat on waves of breath.

Be in touch