BOLD writing, Neil Marcus, Special Effects
Special Effects: Advances in Neurology by Neil Marcus
I bought my copy from Neil on Tuesday night, at an Olimpias gathering at Subterranean ArtHouse. (During which Neil and I did a tiny score that involved horseback riding and me being the long soft aaaa sound in ram.) I love that Neil, in his long list of thank you's in the book, acknowledges Led Zeppelin right after Larry Eigner.
Here is an excerpt/performance-on-the-page re: being bold.
More than a document of the early days of the disability rights movement, Neil Marcus' collection Special Effects: Advances in Neurology is also a window into California zine culture of the 1980s. Art in revolution: social justice, the human growth movement, art in the everyday. From flourishing dystopia to speech storms, Neil documents living artfully in Berkeley, California, and in Disability Country. Publication Studio is proud to present this collection of reprinted documents with a new forward by Melanie Yergeau and an interview by Esther Ehrlich.
$15 softcover; $10 DRM-free ebook
80 pp.
I bought my copy from Neil on Tuesday night, at an Olimpias gathering at Subterranean ArtHouse. (During which Neil and I did a tiny score that involved horseback riding and me being the long soft aaaa sound in ram.) I love that Neil, in his long list of thank you's in the book, acknowledges Led Zeppelin right after Larry Eigner.
Here is an excerpt/performance-on-the-page re: being bold.